A smarter way to make SA visitor attractions more profitable
Dynamic pricing may sound like a new concept, but it has been around for some time—even in SA. Think of the Uber ride that changes in price depending on supply and demand or the airfares that are more affordable when booked in advance. But in some circles, there is a common misconception that dynamic pricing […]
Turning tourism upside down — a future where tourists have to qualify to visit other countries
Covid-19 changed the face of the tourism sector forever. While visitor levels are starting to recover in most regions, the pandemic has shifted the way people think about travel and the world. While there were economic costs to the moratorium on travel, the lack of tourists also brought a reprieve for chronically over-touristed regions. Many […]
From a celebration of Brenda Fassie to Big Fun Art, five ideas to keep the tourists rolling in
As tourism reinvents itself in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, countries need to capitalise on their natural advantages and existing infrastructure to create unique visitor experiences and attractions. From its dark skies and gravel roads to clean, fresh air and quiet spaces, South Africa has natural assets in abundance that could be leveraged to promote tourism, […]
The future of out-of-home entertainment
Domestic and international tourism came to a previously unimagined halt over the last 18 months. As we were all required to stay at home, we made our home a cocoon of safety and security. And, if we had the spare budget, a place of fun and entertainment too. In the past, the biggest competitor for […]
SA’s visitor attractions admissions strategy too heavy handed
Visitor attractions, like all other products in the tourism value chain, have had a difficult time over the past 18 months. The African Association of Visitor Experiences & Attractions recently completed the first benchmark study of visitor attractions in SA. It found that 66% of attractions were closed for three months or more in 2020. […]
Wild Life Tourism Futures Book Review
My review of “Wildlife Tourism Futures” has been accepted in the Journal of Tourism Futures. Considering that by 2050, 68% of the world will live in urban areas, what is perceived as “wild” may be different as to how we perceive it today. An exploration of the socio-human aspect of wild-life tourism is crucial as […]
Four assets South Africa can leverage to promote its post-Covid lockdown tourism story
Destinations the world over will be vying for tourists as countries emerge from the lockdowns imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Pent-up demand could lead to a post-lockdown spike in travel, but the financial viability of South Africa’s tourism industry depends on regular tourism arrivals and the capacity to support them. Tourism marketing and operational budgets […]
Covid-19: Home is the new hangout
In 1981, Faith Popcorn, dubbed the Nostradamus of Marketing by Fortune magazine, coined the term “cocooning”, defining it as “the need to protect oneself from the harsh, unpredictable realities of the world outside”. During the 1990s, celebrity home maker Martha Stewart referred to “nesting” as the next social megatrend. Both social megatrends were highlighted before […]
When we do leave home, entertainment will look very different
Just a decade ago, if you wanted to watch a movie you either checked out the showtimes at your local cinema or fought with your family over what programme to watch, before securing yourself a prime spot on the couch. You had to change your own schedule to match that of the programme available. An […]
Life after lockdown: Enterprises need to plan for physical distancing and a cashless economy
China has ended lockdown in Wuhan, the city where the novel coronavirus first appeared, but it has become clear a return to “normal” life is not on the cards for that city — or indeed anywhere. After 10 weeks in lockdown, residents of Wuhan are reeling, with the New York Times reporting that re-opened businesses are facing difficulties in […]